How to hack Facebook account script

 How to hack Facebook account script?

here, we are going to install a script which will help us to isntall a script which will help us to hack facebook account in termux or in terminal or any bash terminal on in batch terminal.


This post is onlt for educational urpose. Don't do any illegal work.


Before using this command, make sure that you more about his tool. The complete guide of this tool is available at How to hack Facebook account

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So here is the command which is missed in above article.

This commands will download this tool in your android device in termux. Just just all previous commands shown in above article.

pkg install git -y

git clone

Now, you can proced for next command told you in How to hack Facebook account

Must Read:

Mr Idealhat

This is Mr Idealhat. I'm a CSE Student having Cyber Security Specialization. I love to create hacking tools. I've created some awesome tools, you must try. Check out on YouTube and Github. Stay Connected with Mr Idealhat to Stay Connected with Technology. youtube github instagram facebook telegram

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